Pernah tak kita fikir kenapa manusia pandang rendah dekat kita? Kenapa manusia tak pernah respect kat kita? Kenapa manusia selalu menyalahkan kita dalam setiap satu situasi yang berlaku? Kenapa manusia selalu menghina kita?
Semua ini selalunya berlaku disebabkan kelakuan kita sendiri. Pernah tak kita menghormati org? Terutamanya ibu bapa kita? Pernah tak kita berbuat baik terhadap manusia sekeliling? Terutamanya keluarga kita? Pernah tak kita melebihkan keluarga sendiri daripada keluarga orang lain? Pernah tak kita menghancurkan hati dan perasaan orang yang dekat ataupun bertalian darah dengan kita kerana individu luar?
Kenapa perlu kita memaki hamun orang yang tidak menghormati kita hanya untuk mendapatkan rasa hormat itu tanpa kita menghormati orang lain dahulu? Kenapa perlu kita menginginkan orang untuk berbuat baik kepada kita sedangkan kita sendiri tak pernah berbuat baik terhadap sesiapa pun terutamanya keluarga kita? Kenapa perlu kita menagih simpati orang atas kesilapan yang pernah kita lakukan sendiri?
Semua orang ingin dihormati, semua orang ingin dikasihi, terutamanya daripada ahli keluarga sendiri. Tapi pernah tak terlintas di fikiran kita kalau-kalau manusia sekeliling tidak menghormati kita kerana perangai kita sendiri? Yang tak pernah hormat mak bapak sendiri, yang selalu melakukan maksiat, yang selalu berbohong, yang selalu mencuri, yang selalu melebih-lebihkan orang lain dan yang selalu menconteng arang ke muka ibu bapa sendiri?
Manusia yang selama ini selalu menjatuhkan maruah orang sekeliling terutamanya mak bapak sendiri, manusia yang tak pernah letih bercakap bohong untuk kesenangan sendiri, manusia yang selalu lupa akan ibu bapa dan adik beradik apabila berada di atas.
Perkataan Maaf. Perkataan itu boleh disebut oleh sesiapa sahaja tidak kira umur. Perkataan itu tidak semestinya harus digunakan oleh anak-anak kecil kepada si tua. Perlukan anak-anak kecil meminta maaf kepada si tua walaupun kesalahan itu bermula daripada si tua? Agung sangatkah si tua yang meminta maaf kepada anak-anak kecil ATAS KESALAHANNYA SENDIRI? Di atas muka bumi ini, tiada satu prinsip pun yang mengatakan bahawa perkataan maaf hanya patut digunakan oleh anak-anak kecil kepada si tua, tetapi bukan daripada si tua kepada anak-anak kecil. Tetapi, ada prinsip yang mengatakan bahawasenya, perkataan maaf ini seharusnya digunakan oleh sesiapa sahaja kepada sesiapa saja, tidak kira umur, bangsa mahupun status jika kita yang melakukan kesilapan.
'The way you treat others, is the way the others treat you back.' Itulah pepatah yang mengatakan, kita semua ibarat pelakon dan menonton adalah manusia sekeliling. Perangai yang kita amalkan, setiap perkara hina yang kita lakukan, semestinya akan ditonton oleh semua warganegara. Dan melalui situlah, manusia itu dilayan. Ibarat cermin. Apa yang kita pantulkan, itulah yang kita dapat.
Jangan sesekali salahkan orang lain sekiranya kita tidak dihormati, tidak dilayan sempurna, tetapi cerminlah diri sendiri agar kita tahu sebab musabab kita dilayan begitu. Mungkin kita memang layak dilayan begitu? Atau sebaliknya?
Sememangnya yang tua harus dihormati, tetapi wajarkah anak-anak kecil menghormati si tua yang daripada kecil tidak pernah putus daripada melakukan kesilapan? Yang daripada kecil tidak pernah putus berbuat maksiat? Yang daripada kecil tidak pernah putus menconteng arang ke muka ibu bapanya sendiri? Yang daripada kecil tidak pernah sekali bertutur dengan bahasa yang menawan? Yang daripada dia baligh, tidak pernah sempurna solatnya?
Ini bukan untuk menghina, mencaci, tetapi untuk kita berfikir sama-sama.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Mmkay, time to update this lil baby. Nyeeeh :3
So, it's Ramadhan now. Bila Ramadhan dah, maksudnya Raya dah dekat. And bila Raya dah dekat, maksudnya SPM lagi dah dekat. Phew. What a life. Time passes so fast that I can barely breathe. Ramadhan's treating me great now and I feel really blessed nowadays. Thank you, Allah.
After all the ups and downs in school, things are back to normal again. I believe He has his own way in leading us.
Mama now tengah masak. And I feel great having her as my mother. Ramadhan rasa lebih bermakna and bahagia of course. She lights up our lives.
Hmm. Trial starts this Monday which is 8th of August, I hope I'm gonna do way better than my MYE, yeshiiiii! :D
That's it for now. Have a great Ramadhan ahead, xoxo.
So, it's Ramadhan now. Bila Ramadhan dah, maksudnya Raya dah dekat. And bila Raya dah dekat, maksudnya SPM lagi dah dekat. Phew. What a life. Time passes so fast that I can barely breathe. Ramadhan's treating me great now and I feel really blessed nowadays. Thank you, Allah.
After all the ups and downs in school, things are back to normal again. I believe He has his own way in leading us.
Mama now tengah masak. And I feel great having her as my mother. Ramadhan rasa lebih bermakna and bahagia of course. She lights up our lives.
Hmm. Trial starts this Monday which is 8th of August, I hope I'm gonna do way better than my MYE, yeshiiiii! :D
That's it for now. Have a great Ramadhan ahead, xoxo.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for helping me throughout the whole JPJ test and now I'm officially a legal driver. Thank you, mama for everysinglething. The waiting part, the praying part and mostly for always being there by my side. Thank you, uncle for teaching me how to be a good driver. And most importantly, thank you JPJs for being so nice to me and not forgetting Abg Hisyam :) life is so good now, I feel so blessed. I can't stop thanking Allah. :') thank you, Allah SWT.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Hahahahahahha. No wonder you were so sweet this whole day. Hahahahaha. Just because you're leaving for a vacation, youve to pretend as if you're the best creature ever. Your life is pathetic, man.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Damn la. I need to go to my Biology class. All these jams annoy me to the max -_- it'd be cool if I had my license now. Bummer.
Today's Friday, and tomorrow's Saturday meaning I have driving lesson tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I am really excited despite the fact that it sometimes creeps the hell outta me. Anyways, skipped school yesterday and today and not to mention, I feel great skipping classes cos it is one of my favorite hobbies evah. I'd rather stay at home and study than going to school and get distracted all the time. ew yucks not cool. Just finished the whole chapter of Chemical Bonds and Electrochemistry and I feel extra great and I am now enjoying Closer on channel 413. Feels gooood and ohh, I have so many 'ands' in all my sentences. and I dont know why. I'm trying to figure it out, but blegh. I love skipping school cos it makes me the happiest girl in the universe as I get to wake up late and study the whole day and fool around with my mom and enjoy each and every sec. I dont know why am I typing all these, I guess just to let my anger off. YOU KNOW WHY? cos of that lousy lil man. heh. Okay, ain't gonna waste my time talking about that ungrateful, snobbish, arrogant creature.
Okay, that's it for now <3 Have a blessed Friday, peeps. xoxo
Okay, that's it for now <3 Have a blessed Friday, peeps. xoxo
Thursday, 7 July 2011
I have my rights to do anything.
I am a normal human being with feelings. I am a normal human being with anger. I am not an angel nor a perfect woman. I can and I have the right to dislike people, but only with reasons. Nobody can stop me from doing that, except Allah. You people out there have no rights to control me and to ask me to like people who don't even deserve to be loved. You people out there have no rights to control my behavior. I am a normal human being. I can be nice, but only to people who deserve it. Not to ungrateful creatures. NO. Not to that kind of people. I have my own rights to do anything I want, to like and dislike anyone in the universe. Nobody, as in nobody can stop me. Bear that in your mind.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Had a great time with all the loved ones. Anyways, ain't gonna talk about that, instead I feel like talking about the movie 'Aku Masih Dara'. It is a good movie and yes, that movie gives such a big impact on me. And thousands of questions popped out in my brain while watching it. Am I good enough? I don't know. Am I good enough to even be in Heaven? I don't know. Am I good enough for Him to forgive me? I don't know. Thousands, even millions of unanswered questions. However, I am still happy for myself because I managed to change and be a better person than before. I really thank Him for guiding me to the right path, and opened up my heart to be this way right now. And I really thank Him for giving me a chance to live as a whole new person.
On the other hand, my mom. She is the one who stands by my side all the time through ups and downs. She is the one who loves me the most and I'm really sure about that. She cheers me up when I feel like collapsing, she puts a huge smile on my face anytime anywhere, she quarrels with me over something really funny and we always end up laughing, SHE LIGHTS UP MY DAYS.
And I really love her for every single thing either huge or lil tiny ones that she's been doing for me ever since I was born. I know she'll definitely come across this post, ehehe and Mama, I love you! Muahmuah hehehehheheh. ( nanti adik puteri buatkan untuk mama ye? ) hahaha
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Looking at people laughing, having fun with their loved ones really touches my heart. No, I ain't talking about couple or nything. I'm talking about siblings. It was so good last time that we gathered together, wrestled together, laughed together, shared our Maggi. and now things have really changed and I do miss all those moments. I feel like having an adopted brother or sister, simply because I wanna feel the feeling of having real siblings. To have someone to talk to when you're in deep shit, to have someone you can rely on when someone threatens to punch your face, to have someone you can laugh with when you're feeling so down, to have someone who supports each and every single thing you're doing and most important, to have someone who always prays for you. But unfortunately, I don't have that kind of siblings in my life. May sound pathetic, but only this blog who listens to me consistently. But I believe no matter how hard is my situation, Allah is always with me. He is definitely listening right now cos He listens all the time.
Kau yang suruh orang tu buat jahat, kau yang kutukkutuk dia pula. Kau yang support dia suruh buat tu buat ni, kau yang membebel macam mulut jubor ayam. Kau ingat kau bagus sgt?! Kau dgn dia sama je, 2X5 5X2. So, tapayah cakap lebih pasal org bila diri kau sendiri bergelumang dengan dosa. Don't act as if you're so damn good in front of everyone when the fact is you are just the same piece of shit. You annoy me to the max. You and your so called girlfriend can rot in hell.
Driving is awesome!
Successfully drove all the way in Kepong. Such a big achievement. :') though nobody really cares about it.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Oh well
Looking at brothers who can take a good care of their siblings amazes me. I wish I had that kind of brothers in my life.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Sometimes putting on your trust, your love, your hope on someone isn't worth it at all. When you put all of 'em right before yourself, and you get shit in return. It's not cool at all. I'm tired of being used by all the outsiders, and I swear from this time onwards, I'll be the most selfish person in the universe >)
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Papa's Day
Yes, it's Father's day today. It's going to take ages if I really want to talk about my dad, cos he's awesome. He converted into Muslim and married with my mom, another awesome creature. Back to my dad, he's an awesome and great and cool and open-minded and extra ordinary dad! I'm really lucky to have someone like him in my life. It's like having a wing-less angel in my life. He spends most of his time with us, and I believe he'd do anything just for his family. M.Nawawi Abdullah is a real superman. I'd die without him, I'd collapse without his love. I know he won't come across this post, but I do know, God listens to all these. And one thing I'm gonna wish for now, I want my dad, my mom and I to be together forever cos this trio can do anything without any rules in our lives.
Last but not least, Happy Father's Day, papa! WE love you to the bits!
Last but not least, Happy Father's Day, papa! WE love you to the bits!
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Time passes so fast.
I don't know why, but I'm missing my primary school. Growing up is fun, but despite the fact that you've to go through tougher situations from day to day isn't fun at all. Primary was so fun because all I had on my mind was to have fun and to play paper boats everyday. It was incredibly awesome. Yes, there were also times where you wish you were 17 years old cos you used to think that being a 17 year old girl is much better than being a primary kid. & right now, I'm typing here as a 17 year old girl, and being one isn't as easy as I thought it was last time. Right this moment, I can't wait to end my SPM as soon as possible and start a new life in the uni. But, I've a good feeling that sooner or later, I'll be saying that I wish I never grew up that fast. I still remember when I was a kid, I used to ask my mom about school, friends and bla bla bla. I've found all the answers to all my questions and how I wish I could go back to that moment and I'd like to change the question to, 'can I stay this young forever?' But obviously, there's no such thing as going back to the past cos past will remain the past forever, right?
Sighhh. Time passes so fast. & in 5 months time, I'll be sitting for my SPM and in 6 more months, I'll be starting my new life in the university. And who knows, in 7 years time, I'll be having 3 kids already? D:
I have a feeling ..
I have a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night. that tonight's gonna be a good, good night! :) I'm so excited to celebrate Father's Day tonight. Hope it's going to turn out well!
Friday, 17 June 2011
Craving for cakes. I dont know what kind of cake am I craving for, but it's definitely a cake. hehh hehhh. Hmm, school has been great lately despite the fact that I'm sitting with the guys.
Talking about friends, I've no idea whether is there really a true friend or it's just something that people always talk about without knowing that it doesn't even exist. Friends come and go, friends do shits and leave us with those shits they've done, friends are around only in certain situations but definitely not in the gloomy or sad kind of situation. I don't know what am I talking about right now, but one thing for sure, I definitely have learned that putting your trust on someone isn't worth it at all.
I have a best friend. & she's my mom. This might sound cliche or lame or whatever people always say, but to me, having your mother as your best friend is a bless. It's like having someone you can rely on and talk to and joke around with all the time. I love her to the max. Yes, I don't have a boyfriend yet, but even if I have a boyfriend sooner or later, she'll always be the first in my heart. Always. InsyaAllah :)
xoxo have a blessed friday! :D
Talking about friends, I've no idea whether is there really a true friend or it's just something that people always talk about without knowing that it doesn't even exist. Friends come and go, friends do shits and leave us with those shits they've done, friends are around only in certain situations but definitely not in the gloomy or sad kind of situation. I don't know what am I talking about right now, but one thing for sure, I definitely have learned that putting your trust on someone isn't worth it at all.
I have a best friend. & she's my mom. This might sound cliche or lame or whatever people always say, but to me, having your mother as your best friend is a bless. It's like having someone you can rely on and talk to and joke around with all the time. I love her to the max. Yes, I don't have a boyfriend yet, but even if I have a boyfriend sooner or later, she'll always be the first in my heart. Always. InsyaAllah :)
xoxo have a blessed friday! :D
Thursday, 16 June 2011
SPM is so near already and I'm freaking out right now. InsyaAllah, Allah will always help me. & I believe in miracle. :')
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Supermom & Superman
I've world's greatest parents. They are the ones who support me, sacrifice their lives for me, praying for my happiness and most importantly, they are the ones who spend each and every second of their lives just for me. They mean the world to me and I'd do anything for their happiness. I've went through every ups and downs with them and I promise to make their lives as happy as ever. They understand me so well that I don't have to explain all the how's and why's each and every second.
If I had one wish, I'd choose to be with them for the rest of my life. & only death could lead three of us apart.
If I had one wish, I'd choose to be with them for the rest of my life. & only death could lead three of us apart.
And I just created this blog though I've no idea why did I even create it. heh I'll post more soon.
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